Can You Beat Edward's Bonus Spin Roulette in Sea of Stars?

In the Port Town of Brisk in Sea of Stars, there is a game to play called Edward's Bonus Spin Roulette that seems unwinnable and like a scam. But fear not, there is a trick to beating this rigged game and claiming your rewards. Read on to find out how to outsmart Edward and come out on top in this thrilling game of chance.

The Unwinnable Game: Edward's Bonus Spin Roulette

Uncover the mystery behind Edward's Bonus Spin Roulette

Edward's Bonus Spin Roulette in the Port Town of Brisk has gained a reputation for being an unwinnable game. Many players have fallen victim to its rigged nature, losing their hard-earned gold. But is there a way to beat the system and come out on top?

Let's dive into the secrets of Edward's Bonus Spin Roulette and discover the tricks to outsmarting this deceptive game.

Giving in to the Grift: Paying Edward for the Answer

Learn the strategy to win by paying Edward for the answer

After numerous failed attempts at winning Edward's Bonus Spin Roulette, players may start to question if there's any hope. Surprisingly, the key to victory lies in giving in to the grift and paying Edward for the answer.

By parting with 100 gold coins, players gain access to the coveted Question Pack reward. It may seem like a steep price, but the knowledge gained is invaluable in securing a win.

But how does one obtain the answer? Read on to discover the next step in this cunning strategy.

A Fortune-Teller's Prediction: The Key to Winning

Uncover the fortune-teller's secret to winning Edward's game

Once players have played and lost at Edward's Bonus Spin Roulette, they can venture outside and stumble upon a fortune-teller. This mysterious figure bears a striking resemblance to Edward, but claims to possess the power to predict the next number.

For a fee of 90 gold coins, players can extract the fortune-teller's knowledge and gain the upper hand in the game. Armed with this insider information, it's time to put it to the test.

Return to the roulette table and prepare to make your move. The fortune-teller's prediction holds the key to victory.

The Winning Spin: Beating Edward at His Own Game

Execute the winning strategy and claim your prize

As Edward spins the wheel, the moment of truth arrives. With the fortune-teller's prediction in mind, choose the number that has been revealed. This calculated move will lead to a triumphant win and the coveted Question Pack number 2.

Whether you choose to employ this strategy before or after the Cataclysm, the game remains the same. Edward's Bonus Spin Roulette will continue to challenge players, but armed with the right knowledge, victory is within reach.

Unlocking the Quizmaster's Treasures

Discover where to use the Question Packs and unlock hidden rewards

Now that you've obtained the Question Pack from Edward, it's time to put it to good use. Head back to the Town of Lucent and seek out the Quizmaster, a mysterious individual who eagerly awaits these question packs.

Navigate the Graplou paths to reach the second floor of the inn, where a treasure chest holds a valuable Turbo Cookie. Venture outside the town and find Melee Matey, a ghost in need of this tasty treat. After a thrilling battle, search his body for the Key to the shed.

With the shed key in hand, make your way to the bridge in the Town of Lucent, leading to the eastern entrance. Look for the locked door and step inside to find the Quizmaster. Here, you can utilize the Question Packs and unlock hidden rewards.


Reflecting on the triumph over Edward's Bonus Spin Roulette

Edward's Bonus Spin Roulette may initially seem like an unwinnable game, but with the right strategy, players can come out on top. By paying Edward for the answer and utilizing the fortune-teller's prediction, victory is within reach.

Remember, perseverance and a bit of cunning are key to overcoming the challenges of Sea of Stars. So, gather your courage, spin the wheel, and claim your well-deserved rewards.


Edward's Bonus Spin Roulette may initially seem like an unwinnable game, but with the right strategy, players can come out on top. By paying Edward for the answer and utilizing the fortune-teller's prediction, victory is within reach.

Remember, perseverance and a bit of cunning are key to overcoming the challenges of Sea of Stars. So, gather your courage, spin the wheel, and claim your well-deserved rewards.


Is Edward's Bonus Spin Roulette really rigged?

Yes, Edward's Bonus Spin Roulette is rigged, making it extremely difficult to win without employing the right strategy.

Can I use the fortune-teller's prediction multiple times?

No, the fortune-teller's prediction is only valid for the next spin. After that, you will need to consult the fortune-teller again for a new prediction.

Are there other rewards besides the Question Packs?

Yes, in addition to the Question Packs, there are other hidden rewards waiting to be unlocked. Explore the Town of Lucent and its surroundings to discover these treasures.

Can I win Edward's Bonus Spin Roulette after the Cataclysm?

Yes, the game will still be available after the Cataclysm, allowing you to continue your quest for victory.

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