Charmin revolutionizes toilet paper design: A game-changer in bathroom comfort

Charmin, the renowned toilet paper brand, is shaking up the industry with a game-changing update to their Ultra Soft product. After more than a century, they have unveiled a new Smooth Tear design that promises a revolutionary tear experience. Say goodbye to frustrating uneven tears with the scalloped edges of Charmin's latest creation.

The Evolution of Charmin Ultra Soft Toilet Paper

Discover the fascinating development journey behind the creation of Charmin's revolutionary Smooth Tear design.

For more than a century, Charmin has been a prominent player in the toilet paper industry. However, their latest innovation—the Smooth Tear design—marks a significant milestone in the evolution of their Ultra Soft line. After years of research and development, Charmin has managed to address a persistent consumer complaint and bring a solution to the bathroom.

The idea for the Smooth Tear design sprouted from the frustrating issue of uneven tears experienced by consumers. The straight perforations often didn't align with the direction people pulled sheets or the way the toilet paper was hung, resulting in inconsistent tearing.

A Commitment to Innovation

Charmin is renowned for embracing innovation and pushing boundaries in the industry. Being one of the first major toilet paper brands to introduce the Smooth Tear design demonstrates their commitment to enhancing the user experience. By re-inventing the square, the company aims to provide customers with a clean, tear-every-time solution.

With the introduction of the Smooth Tear design, Charmin secures its position as a leader in the toilet paper market and solidifies its dedication to continuously improving upon a daily essential we often take for granted.

Unveiling the Smooth Tear Design

Discover how Charmin's new perforation with scalloped edges transforms the user experience with easier, more precise tearing.

The Smooth Tear design offers consumers a noticeable improvement in tearing performance. The newly introduced perforation with scalloped edges is the result of years of testing and refinement, aimed at providing users with an effortless and consistent tear every time they use Charmin Ultra Soft toilet paper.

Justice Brewer, Senior Engineer at Charmin, explains that the choice for scalloped edges versus the traditional straight perforations was based on user feedback and thorough studies. By aligning the perforations to match the natural pulling direction and hanging position in most bathrooms, Charmin ensures that consumers can enjoy a seamless tearing experience.

To truly grasp the impact of this new design, consider the frustration of dealing with uneven tears while using toilet paper. The effort and time required to retrieve a clean tear from a roll can add unnecessary stress—a frustration that can now be eliminated with Charmin's Ultra Soft Smooth Tear design.

Experience the Difference

Try out Charmin Ultra Soft Smooth Tear and transform your bathroom experience for the better. Say goodbye to frustrating tear-offs and hello to convenient and precise tearing with every use. Charmin's commitment to consumer satisfaction shines through in this ultimate innovation.

Get your hands on Charmin Ultra Soft Smooth Tear and feel the difference for yourself—the future of toilet paper is here, ensuring a hassle-free and enjoyable experience with every tear, every time—a design breakthrough over a century in the making.


The introduction of Charmin's Smooth Tear design for its Ultra Soft toilet paper marks a significant milestone in the company's more than a century-long history. With scalloped edges on the perforations, Charmin has revolutionized the tearing experience and addressed a long-standing consumer complaint. This innovation is a testament to Charmin's commitment to continuous improvement and advancing the user experience. Say goodbye to frustrating and uneven tears and hello to the convenience and precision of Charmin Ultra Soft Smooth Tear toilet paper.


What was the motivation behind inventing the Smooth Tear design?

The motivation for creating the Smooth Tear design was to address a persistent consumer complaint about inconsistent tearing experience. Charmin wanted to provide a clean, tear-every-time solution by re-inventing the square.

How does the Smooth Tear design improve the user experience?

The Smooth Tear design is achieved through perforations with scalloped edges. These innovative perforations align with the natural pulling direction and hanging position in most bathrooms, resulting in effortless and consistent tearing for Charmin Ultra Soft toilet paper users.

Where can I get Charmin Ultra Soft Smooth Tear toilet paper?

Charmin Ultra Soft Smooth Tear toilet paper will be available nationwide this month. Look for it at your local retailers or consider purchasing online.

Is the Smooth Tear design available in other Charmin products?

At this time, the Smooth Tear design is introduced exclusively for the Charmin Ultra Soft line. However, future expansions to other Charmin products are not ruled out, as the company works towards continuously enhancing the user experience.

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