CMACD: A Quick Erection and a “Soft Opening”

Welcome to the Center for Media Arts, Computing, and Design (CMACD)! This state-of-the-art academic building is a testament to the University's commitment to excellence in academics and research. Designed to foster collaboration and innovation, CMACD is a hub where students and faculty from diverse disciplines come together to explore the realms of computer science, art and design, and music. Join me as we take a closer look inside this vibrant center of creativity and learning.

State-of-the-Art Facilities for Collaborative Learning

Explore the cutting-edge facilities available at CMACD and how they promote a collaborative learning environment.

CMACD is equipped with world-class facilities designed to facilitate collaboration and interdisciplinary learning. With spacious and versatile collaborative spaces, students and faculty can engage in teamwork, idea exchange, and creative problem-solving.

The center features specialized technology including a virtual production studio, video production studio, recording studio, and a gaming room. These state-of-the-art resources enhance students' skill development and empower them to excel in various media and technology disciplines.

Additionally, the building offers breathtaking views of Worcester, providing an inspiring backdrop for artistic inspiration and enhancing the overall learning experience.

Interdisciplinary Research and Emergent Scholarship

Discover how CMACD fuels innovative research and hands-on scholarship at the intersection of technology, art, and design.

CMACD serves as a nurturing home for interdisciplinary research projects, enabling collaborations between departments such as the Department of Computer Science, the Becker School of Design and Technology, and the Department of International Development, Community and Environment.

With projects like the 'Mexico Project,' which addresses Mexico City's water crisis, and research funded by prestigious grants like the National Science Foundation, CMACD provides a platform for groundbreaking studies with real-world impacts.

Students and faculty at CMACD explore the ever-evolving frontiers of technology, embracing emergent scholarship and seeking innovative solutions to complex societal challenges.

A Design-Informed Collaborative Approach to Architecture

Learn about the collaborative design process that shaped CMACD, and how it reflects the vision of Clark Inspired.

The design of CMACD was driven by a collaborative process involving students, faculty, and administrators. Baltimore-based architects Ayers Saint Gross, commissioned by the University, incorporated input from all stakeholders to ensure a space that fosters effective teaching and learning.

The architecture of CMACD showcases a well-planned layout with carefully considered classroom designs, workspaces, and audiovisual equipment setups. The design team strived to create an environment that supports the synergies between art, design, computing, and data science.

This collaborative approach to architecture aligns with the ethos of Clark Inspired, a forward-thinking strategic framework aimed at achieving greater excellence in academics and research.

Sustainability and Environmental Consciousness

Explore how CMACD incorporates sustainability practices and aims for LEED Gold certification.

Caring for the environment is a priority at CMACD. Geothermal energy, harvested through underground wells reaching 500 feet down, powers 85% of heating and cooling in the building. This commitment to sustainable practices contributes to the University's goal of obtaining LEED Gold certification for CMACD.

Furthermore, CMACD incorporates bird-friendly design elements, such as dotted windows, to reduce bird impacts. The diversion of concrete materials, the planned installation of wooden art fixtures, and efforts to demolish outdated buildings demonstrate CMACD's commitment to environmentally conscious construction and maintenance approaches.

Future Visions and on-Campus Excitement

Immerse yourself in the world of imagination as CMACD showcases its commitment to future projects and ongoing excitement on campus.

As CMACD nears completion, there is a buzz of anticipation on campus. The university's passionate pursuit of excellence includes plans for the future, such as the potential demolition of the Woodland Street Administration buildings, opening up exciting possibilities for further growth and development.

CMACD stands as a testament to creativity, collaboration, and technological innovation. It represents Clark University’s commitment to nurturing talent, promoting interdisciplinary research, and preparing students to excel in a rapidly evolving media and technology landscape.

Step inside CMACD and embark on an inspiring journey at the heart of cutting-edge exploration, where academic excellence meets artistic expression.


The Center for Media Arts, Computing, and Design (CMACD) at Clark University is a cutting-edge hub of innovation and collaboration. It provides students and faculty with state-of-the-art facilities and resources to pursue interdisciplinary learning and research in the fields of art, design, computing, and data science.

CMACD reflects the vision of Clark Inspired, the university's strategic framework, by promoting excellence in academics and research. The collaborative design process, sustainability practices, and commitment to hands-on scholarship make CMACD a vibrant and inspiring space for the entire Clark community.

Step into CMACD and witness the convergence of technology, creativity, and visionary thinking, preparing students to thrive in the fast-paced world of media and technology.

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