Exploring the World of Holocomics: A Tangible Twist to Digital Art

Welcome to the fascinating realm of holocomics, where the boundaries of digital art are shattered. In this article, we will delve into the visionary work of Jake Adams, a lecturer at RIT, who has pioneered the creation of the first-ever digital holographic comic. Join me, Jennifer Brown, as we explore the immersive world of holocomics and discover the captivating space between frames.

Unveiling the World of Holocomics

Discover the groundbreaking concept of holocomics and how Jake Adams has revolutionized the world of digital art.

Step into the mesmerizing world of holocomics, where traditional comic books come to life in three-dimensional holographic form. Jake Adams, a lecturer at RIT, has pushed the boundaries of digital art by creating the first-ever digital holographic comic. By combining his expertise in fine arts and interactive media, Adams has brought a new level of tangibility to the world of storytelling.

With the use of a specialized Lightfield holographic display, Adams's holocomics transcend the limitations of traditional comic books. These immersive creations incorporate sound, animation, and interactivity, placing the characters and dialogue into our spatial temporal existence. Join me as we delve deeper into the captivating world of holocomics and explore the space between frames.

Unraveling the Diegetic Space

Delve into the concept of diegetic space and how holocomics redefine the relationship between panels and frames.

Comic books have always left room for readers' imagination to fill in the gaps between panels. However, holocomics take this concept to a whole new level. Jake Adams has reimagined the diegetic space, the space between each panel and page, by leveraging the spatial locality of the content.

Unlike traditional comics, holocomics provide a unique perspective by allowing readers to explore what happens in the extra-diegetic space. Adams's innovative approach reframes the narrative, inviting readers to witness the unseen moments and interactions that occur between frames. Through this exploration, holocomics offer a truly immersive and dynamic storytelling experience.

The Artistic Process Behind Holocomics

Gain insights into Jake Adams's creative process and the techniques he employs to bring his holocomics to life.

Jake Adams's journey in creating holocomics begins with traditional 2D art and storyboards. By blending his skills in sketching and painting with graphics and animation applications, Adams crafts a foundation for his holocomics. These creations then come to life through the Unity game engine, where he adds depth and interactivity to the 3D images.

Adams's creative process extends beyond digital techniques. He draws inspiration from techniques used in centuries-old paintings, infusing his holocomics with a sense of depth and realism. Additionally, Adams has developed innovative solutions to enhance the clarity of text when viewed on Looking Glass displays, ensuring a seamless reading experience for holocomic enthusiasts.

Join me as we delve into the artistic process behind holocomics and uncover the intricate blend of traditional and digital artistry that brings these captivating stories to life.

Immersive Reading Experience

Immerse yourself in the world of holocomics and discover the unique features that make them a truly interactive reading experience.

Reading a holocomic is an immersive experience like no other. These captivating creations incorporate sounds, animations, and interactive elements that bring the story to life. As readers explore the holocomics, they can uncover hidden items, witness walls disintegrating, and embark on a journey filled with surprises.

Adams's holocomics, such as 'Maldacena' and 'Aphid Through the Looking Glass,' offer a seamless blend of storytelling and interactivity. In 'Aphid Through the Looking Glass,' readers can pivot the image by moving the cursor, adding an extra layer of engagement to the reading experience. Join me as we dive into the immersive world of holocomics and discover the magic that unfolds within each holographic page.


Holocomics have ushered in a new era of storytelling, where digital art transcends the boundaries of traditional comic books. Jake Adams's pioneering work in creating the first-ever digital holographic comic has opened up a world of possibilities for artists and readers alike. Through the immersive experience of holocomics, readers can explore the space between frames, witness unseen moments, and engage with interactive elements that bring the story to life.

As the world of digital art continues to evolve, holocomics stand at the forefront of innovation, blending traditional and digital artistry to create a truly unique reading experience. Join us in embracing this captivating art form and dive into the mesmerizing world of holocomics.

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