How to Use the Chimera Core in Cyberpunk 2077

In Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty, one of the most thrilling moments is defeating a colossal Chimera robot. After the battle, you have the option to take its powerful core. But what can you do with it? As a content writer and avid gamer, I will guide you through the possibilities of utilizing the Chimera Core to craft devastating weapon mods that will give you the edge in combat.

Crafting Weapon Mods with the Chimera Core

Harness the power of the Chimera Core to create devastating weapon modifications.

If you've chosen to take the Chimera Core, you are in for a treat. Its immense power can be used to crafting unique and potent weapon mods that will give you an upper hand in any battle. Let's explore some of the incredible mods you can create:

Severance: Enhance Melee Weapons

Add the Severance mod to your melee weapons and watch your enemies shudder. With a 20% chance to dismember enemies below half health with every strike, one swift hit can instantly kill your foe. Your katana will become feared by all.

Wallpuncher: Supercharge Tech Weapons

Want to make your Tech Weapons even more deadly? Apply the Wallpuncher mod and experience unmatched firepower. It allows your Tech Weapons to charge to 200% in the same time as before, while also penetrating enemy armor like butter. Prepare for havoc.

Hackatomy: Augment Smart Weapons with Quickhacks

Boost your Smart Weapons by equipping the Hackatomy mod. It grants a 5% chance to add a random quickhack to each shot. Combine pinpoint accuracy with devastating digital effects, turning every bullet into a potential game-changer.

Firecracker: Power up Power Weapons

If explosive firepower is your style, look no further than the Firecracker mod. When equipped to a Power Weapon, it turns your shots into explosive ammunition. Say goodbye to enemies and hello to glorious explosions.

Choose the mod that best suits your playstyle, or perhaps collect more Chimera Cores to experiment further. Whichever path you choose, you'll be a force to be reckoned with.

The Perks of Owning a Chimera Core

Learn about the benefits and options that come with possessing a Chimera Core.

Having a Chimera Core offers more than just the potential for powerful weapon mods. It serves as a symbol of your conquest against a formidable opponent. Additionally, you can also choose to proudly display it as decoration in your apartment, showcasing your triumph.

Imagine the envy in your friends' eyes when they see the Chimera Core, with its intricate design and shiny metallic exterior gleaming on your coffee table. It not only adds flair to your living space but also sparks conversations about your daring adventures in the game.

Furthermore, possessing the Chimera Core is a rare opportunity, as you won't have another chance to obtain it. So, claim your prize and discover the countless joys it brings, whether that be in battle or as a stylish conversation piece.


The Chimera Core in Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty is a game-changer. Its immense power can be harnessed to create devastating weapon mods that will give you the upper hand in any battle. From dismembering foes with a single strike to turning your shots into explosive ammunition, the possibilities are endless. Take the core and unleash its destructive potential!


Can I obtain another Chimera Core in the game?

No, the Chimera Core is a unique item and you won't have another chance to obtain it. Choose wisely on how to utilize its power.

Can I change the weapon mod crafted with the Chimera Core?

Once you craft a weapon mod using the Chimera Core, it is permanent. So, carefully consider your playstyle and preferences before making a decision.

What other exciting quests are there in Cyberpunk 2077?

Cyberpunk 2077 is filled with thrilling quests and engaging storylines. Exploit the open-world experience by embracing missions like 'Fast and Furious Heist' and 'Chasing Danger.' Explore Night City and embark on unforgettable adventures!

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