Meet Jane C. Garcia: A Dedicated Advocate for the Hispanic Community in Detroit

Jane C. Garcia, a Detroit native and social worker at heart, has been a tireless advocate, volunteer, and community activist in Detroit and southeastern Michigan for over 45 years. As the leader of Latin Americans for Social and Economic Development (LA SED), the oldest Hispanic advocacy agency in the region, Garcia has worked diligently to address the needs of the Hispanic community and migrant workers. In recognition of her decades-long dedication, Garcia has been named a 2024 Game Changers recipient. Let's delve deeper into the inspiring journey of this remarkable individual and her unwavering commitment to her community.

Early Years and Dedication to Social Work

Explore Jane C. Garcia's background and her passion for social work.

Jane C. Garcia, a Detroit native, has always been a proud Detroiter. With a deep admiration for the Hispanic community and migrant workers in Michigan, Garcia dedicated her life to advocating for their needs. As a social worker at heart, she recognized the importance of language accessibility and comprehension, which led her to become a social worker.

Garcia's personal experience with her mother, who spoke English well but was more comfortable with Spanish, highlighted the need for interpretation and ensuring the community understood their rights and resources. Her commitment to bridging the language barrier and empowering the Hispanic community became the driving force behind her work.

Advocacy for the Hispanic Community

Discover Garcia's impactful work as a leader of LA SED and her dedication to the Hispanic community in Detroit.

As the leader of Latin Americans for Social and Economic Development (LA SED), Garcia has been instrumental in connecting the Detroit Red Wings and Detroit Tigers with thousands of residents in southwest Detroit. Her organization has tirelessly worked to address the needs of the Hispanic and Latino communities in the region.

Garcia's dedication to advocacy extends beyond her role at LA SED. She has been actively involved in various initiatives, including working for the federal government for four censuses. Through her work, she recognized the importance of accurate census counts in addressing the needs of the community, whether it be housing, employment, or education.

Recognition and Humble Acceptance

Learn about Garcia's recognition as a 2024 Game Changers recipient and her humble acceptance on behalf of her community.

Garcia's decades-long dedication to advocating for the Hispanic and Latino communities in Detroit has not gone unnoticed. She was honored as a 2024 Game Changers recipient, a recognition of her remarkable contributions.

Despite the recognition, Garcia remains humble and acknowledges that she is just one person among many who work tirelessly for their community. She accepts the honor on behalf of all those who have come before her and those who will continue the important work in the future.

Passing on the Torch to Future Generations

Discover Garcia's commitment to ensuring the younger generation continues the work of LA SED and advocates for their future.

Garcia firmly believes in passing on the torch to younger generations and empowering them to advocate for their future and the future of their children. She emphasizes the importance of historical education to understand the struggles and progress made by the Hispanic community since 1965.

Through LA SED and her personal efforts, Garcia strives to equip young people with the knowledge and tools they need to continue the fight for equality, access, and justice. By teaching them the historical context and inspiring them with the work done by previous generations, she ensures a strong and united community for years to come.


Jane C. Garcia's unwavering dedication to advocating for the Hispanic community in Detroit is truly inspiring. As a social worker at heart, she has worked tirelessly to bridge the language barrier and ensure access to resources and opportunities for the community. Through her leadership at LA SED and her involvement in various initiatives, Garcia has made a lasting impact on the lives of countless individuals. Her recognition as a 2024 Game Changers recipient is a testament to her remarkable contributions. As she passes on the torch to future generations, Garcia's legacy will continue to shape a stronger and more empowered Hispanic community in Detroit.

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