Modded Game Boy Plays Music on Refurbished Church Organ

Explore the fascinating fusion of a modded Game Boy and a refurbished church organ, as they come together to produce captivating music. Join me on a journey into the realm of electronic instrument hacking and witness the awe-inspiring outcome.

The Fusion of a Modded Game Boy and a Refurbished Church Organ

Discover the unique combination of a modded Game Boy and a refurbished church organ, resulting in a mesmerizing musical experience.

Imagine the unexpected harmony that arises when a modded Game Boy, a beloved gaming console, joins forces with a refurbished church organ, an instrument steeped in tradition. This unlikely pairing opens up a world of possibilities, pushing the boundaries of music creation and showcasing the creativity of electronic instrument hacking.

In this article, we will delve into the captivating journey of Sam Battle, also known as Look Mum No Computer, as he combines these two distinct musical entities. Prepare to be amazed as we explore the process, the instrument, and the incredible music that emerges from this extraordinary fusion.

Reviving a Forgotten Organ

Uncover the story behind the refurbished church organ and the intricate work involved in bringing it back to life.

Before we dive into the harmonious collaboration between the Game Boy and the church organ, let's take a moment to appreciate the instrument itself. Battle's journey began when he stumbled upon a neglected church organ, tucked away in a house in Bristol, UK. This organ had been removed from a church and reassembled, patiently waiting for someone to breathe new life into it.

With a passion for restoration and a love for unique musical instruments, Battle seized the opportunity to acquire the organ at a price that was too good to resist. Over the course of a year, he dedicated countless hours to meticulously rebuilding and refining the instrument, ensuring that it would be ready to create beautiful music once again.

The Game Boy's Musical Transformation

Unveil the magic behind the modded Game Boy and its ability to communicate with the refurbished church organ.

Now that we have set the stage with the refurbished church organ, let's turn our attention to the modded Game Boy. Battle's expertise in electronic instrument hacking allowed him to modify the Game Boy, transforming it into a console-based tracker synthesizer. This modification involved soldering an interface into the unit, enabling it to communicate with other musical instruments.

Using a console-based tracker synthesizer like the Game Boy may seem unconventional, but it offers a unique approach to music composition. With meticulous programming, Battle can input a series of notes into the Game Boy, which then sends these musical sequences to the modded pipe organ. The result is a symphony of sounds that blend the digital and analog worlds, creating a truly mesmerizing musical experience.

Crafting Musical Masterpieces

Explore the intricate process of composing music with the modded Game Boy and the refurbished church organ.

Creating music with the modded Game Boy and the refurbished church organ is a labor of love and patience. Each note is carefully crafted, programmed one at a time, to ensure the perfect harmony and melody. Battle's expertise as a musician and electronic instrument hacker shines through as he weaves together intricate musical sequences.

While the process may be time-consuming, the end result is nothing short of extraordinary. The combination of the Game Boy's digital capabilities and the organ's majestic pipes produces a symphony that transcends traditional boundaries. The modded Game Boy breathes new life into the organ, enabling it to produce sounds that were once unimaginable.

A Musical Journey Like No Other

Embark on a captivating musical journey that showcases the limitless possibilities of electronic instrument hacking.

As we conclude our exploration of the modded Game Boy and the refurbished church organ, we invite you to embark on your own musical journey. Let the creativity and ingenuity of electronic instrument hacking inspire you to push the boundaries of music creation. Whether you are a musician, a technology enthusiast, or simply a lover of unique sounds, this fusion of the old and the new is sure to captivate your senses.

Join us as we celebrate the artistry of Sam Battle and his remarkable ability to transform ordinary instruments into extraordinary musical creations. The modded Game Boy and the refurbished church organ remind us that innovation knows no bounds when it comes to the world of music.


The fusion of a modded Game Boy and a refurbished church organ has given rise to a truly remarkable musical experience. Through the creative artistry of Sam Battle, we have witnessed the harmonious collaboration of two seemingly disparate entities, resulting in a symphony that pushes the boundaries of music creation.

By combining the digital capabilities of the Game Boy with the majestic pipes of the organ, Battle has crafted a musical journey that captivates the senses and inspires innovation. This unique fusion serves as a testament to the limitless possibilities of electronic instrument hacking and reminds us that creativity knows no bounds.


Can the modded Game Boy be used with other musical instruments?

Yes, the modded Game Boy can be connected to various musical instruments, allowing for endless possibilities in music creation.

How long did it take to refurbish the church organ?

The process of refurbishing the church organ took approximately a year, during which Sam Battle dedicated countless hours to meticulously rebuilding and refining the instrument.

What other projects has Look Mum No Computer worked on?

Look Mum No Computer has worked on various projects involving electronic instrument hacking, including the creation of unique synthesizers and musical installations.

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