Modder Creates StarUI HUD to Improve User Experience in Starfield

Explore the world of Starfield with an enhanced user interface and inventory system, thanks to the StarUI HUD mod. This mod introduces customizable widgets, revamped loot lists, and additional features to streamline your cosmic quest.

Customizable HUD Widgets for a Personalized Experience

Discover how the StarUI HUD mod allows players to customize their HUD widgets, providing a personalized gameplay experience.

One of the major improvements that the StarUI HUD mod brings to Starfield is the ability to customize HUD widgets. Players can now resize, move, rotate, color, or disable various HUD elements according to their preferences. This level of customization allows for a more personalized gameplay experience, ensuring that players have the information they need at their fingertips.

With the StarUI HUD mod, players can tailor their HUD to suit their specific playstyle. Whether you prefer a minimalist approach or want to have all the information readily available, the customizable HUD widgets give you the freedom to design your interface to your liking. Say goodbye to the cluttered default UI and hello to a cleaner, more organized screen.

Revamped Loot Lists for Efficient Inventory Management

Learn how the StarUI HUD mod enhances the loot list system in Starfield, making inventory management a breeze.

Inventory management can be a tedious task in any game, and Starfield is no exception. However, with the StarUI HUD mod, the loot list system gets a much-needed revamp. Sorting through containers is now quick and efficient, thanks to the improved loot list interface.

The revamped loot list provides players with a better overview of their items, allowing for easier decision-making. With configurable columns and additional information like value/weight ratio and DPS, players can quickly identify the most valuable items and make informed choices. Say goodbye to sifting through endless lists and hello to a streamlined inventory management experience.

The Convenient Tag Label Widget for Quick Item Identification

Discover how the StarUI HUD mod introduces the Tag Label widget, making item identification a breeze in Starfield.

One of the standout features of the StarUI HUD mod is the introduction of the Tag Label widget. This widget displays item names and tag icons below the crosshair, eliminating the need for constant reference to item cards. Now, players can easily identify items at a glance, saving time and improving overall gameplay flow.

The Tag Label widget adds a level of convenience to item identification, making it easier than ever to navigate through the game world. Whether you're looting containers or engaging in combat, having item names and tags readily available ensures that you never miss out on valuable items or important resources.

Maximize Your Inventory Value with the Loot-O-Meter

Learn how the StarUI HUD mod's Loot-O-Meter widget helps you maximize the value of your inventory in Starfield.

The Loot-O-Meter widget introduced by the StarUI HUD mod is a game-changer when it comes to inventory management. This widget presents a bar below the crosshair, indicating the value/weight ratio of a particular item. With this visual representation, players can easily determine which items are worth picking up and which ones are better left behind.

By using the Loot-O-Meter widget, players can maximize the value of their inventory, ensuring that they prioritize items with a high value/weight ratio. This feature streamlines the looting process and allows players to make more informed decisions about what to keep and what to leave behind.

Additional Enhancements for a Streamlined Gameplay Experience

Discover the additional features introduced by the StarUI HUD mod to enhance the overall gameplay experience in Starfield.

The StarUI HUD mod doesn't stop at just revamping the UI and inventory systems. It also introduces several additional enhancements that further improve the gameplay experience. For instance, the mod includes an "accidental steal protection" feature, which requires players to hold down the E key instead of tapping it to steal, preventing unintentional theft.

Other notable additions include a "take all" function for containers, customizable crosshair options, and various watch customization settings. These features add more control and convenience to the game, ensuring that players can focus on the cosmic quest in Starfield without unnecessary frustrations.


The StarUI HUD mod is a game-changer for Starfield players who have been longing for an enhanced user interface and inventory system. With customizable HUD widgets, revamped loot lists, and additional features like the Tag Label widget and Loot-O-Meter, players can enjoy a more personalized and streamlined gameplay experience.

No longer will players have to struggle with a cluttered inventory or waste time searching for specific items. The StarUI HUD mod addresses these pain points and offers valuable improvements that enhance the overall enjoyment of the game.


What is the StarUI HUD mod?

The StarUI HUD mod is a modification for Starfield that improves the user interface and inventory systems, offering customizable HUD widgets, revamped loot lists, and additional features to enhance gameplay.

How does the StarUI HUD mod improve the gameplay experience?

The mod allows players to customize their HUD widgets, providing a personalized experience. It introduces a revamped loot list system for efficient inventory management and the Tag Label widget for quick item identification. The Loot-O-Meter widget helps players maximize the value of their inventory. Additionally, the mod includes various other enhancements like accidental steal protection and customizable crosshair options.

Where can I download the StarUI HUD mod?

The StarUI HUD mod can be downloaded from reputable modding websites or forums dedicated to Starfield modding. Make sure to follow the instructions provided by the mod creator to install and use the mod correctly.

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