The Surprising Lack of a Flashlight in Cyberpunk 2077: A Developer's Quirky Design Choice

In the world of Cyberpunk 2077, where neon lights and high-tech gadgets abound, one might expect to find a trusty flashlight to guide the way. However, to the surprise of many players, CD Projekt Red made a unique design choice by omitting this basic tool from the game. Join me, Emily Robbins, as we delve into the reasons behind this peculiar decision and its impact on the gameplay experience.

The enduring absence: A missing light in the darkness

Explore the surprising absence of a fundamental tool in Cyberpunk 2077 and its impact on player immersion.

In a world where immersive gameplay is paramount, the lack of a flashlight in Cyberpunk 2077 has left many players baffled. Venturing into darkened alleyways and underground passages without a source of illumination accentuates the feeling of uncertainty and vulnerability. The absence of such a basic tool becomes food for thought regarding the game's design choices.

Within the cityscape of Night City, there lies a captivating yet chilling ambiance, often shrouded in shadows. As an open-world game centred around exploration, it begs the question: Why sacrifice realism and practicality by excluding an item as fundamental as a flashlight?

Despite the potential realism it could add, the omission of a flashlight robs players of an essential tool that heightens tension and aids in uncovering hidden secrets. These fond, dimly lit encounters would afford players both thrilling encounters and the ability to fully immerse themselves in the neon-infused dystopia.

Underestimated exploration: Navigational struggles amplified

Delve into the player navigation conundrum highlighted without such a seemingly basic navigational tool.

Navigating the dense and sprawling metropolis of Night City is no easy feat, especially without a reliable lighting source. Quest markers can prove inaccurate or vague, contributing to unexpected detours or missed objectives altogether. In the absence of a flashlight, players often find themselves disoriented and misled, unable to uncover Night City's well-hidden secrets.

The flashlight's indirect role in atmosphere enhancement

Despite initial criticisms of the game's lighting, the absence of a flashlight lends an inadvertent and unique mystique to certain locations. Figuring out puzzles, infiltrating hidden sectors, or seeking hidden treasures without this crucial tool captures the essence of exploration to its fullest extent.

Yet, the inability to uncover obscured paths or detect hidden vulnerabilities predominantly acts as more of an annoyance than visible aesthetic. The time-consuming process of working around this intentionally designed constraint ultimately overshadows the unique flair it can lend to already captivating environments and quests.


While Cyberpunk 2077 introduced players to a futuristic world teeming with intricate narratives and stunning visuals, the absence of a flashlight stands out as an unconventional design choice. The lack of this basic navigational tool has left many players questioning the motives behind such a decision. It reflects the delicate balance game developers face in creating immersive experiences while implementing intentional restrictions. As we eagerly await the future of the Cyberpunk franchise, we can only hope that CD Projekt Red will consider the impact of including this essential item in their next installment.


Why did CD Projekt Red choose to exclude a flashlight in Cyberpunk 2077?

The exact reasoning behind CD Projekt Red's choice to omit a flashlight from Cyberpunk 2077 has not been officially stated. It represents a distinctive design decision that emphasizes the balance between immersion, impose deliberate constraints, and intentional limitations.

Are there any mods available to add a flashlight to Cyberpunk 2077?

Yes, the modding community has developed various mods to address the absence of a flashlight in Cyberpunk 2077. These mods can add illumination options to enhance the gameplay experience, but it's important to carefully consider their compatibility and installation process.

Will CD Projekt Red address the flashlight omission in future updates or expansions?

While it is uncertain whether CD Projekt Red will specifically address the missing flashlight, the release of updates and expansions provides opportunities for the introduction of new features and gameplay improvements. Understanding player feedback and demands may influence the developers' future decisions in enhancing the game.

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