Unlocking the Richness of Arabic Culture in Assassin's Creed Mirage

Welcome to the mesmerizing world of Assassin's Creed Mirage, where the beauty of classical Arabic language and culture takes center stage. In this article, we will explore the fascinating journey of Ubisoft's development team as they bring to life one of the first AAA games fully voiced in Arabic. Join us as we delve into the meticulous localization process and the importance of cultural accuracy in gaming.

The Importance of Arabic Localization in Gaming

Explore the significance of Arabic localization in gaming and its impact on player experience.

Localization plays a crucial role in creating an immersive gaming experience, and Ubisoft's Assassin's Creed Mirage sets a new standard by fully embracing the Arabic language. By incorporating classical Arabic in both audio and text, the game captures the essence of the golden age of Baghdad and allows players to truly immerse themselves in the rich culture of the time.

But why is Arabic localization so important? It goes beyond mere translation; it is about capturing the language's intent while staying culturally relevant. When players can experience a game in their native language, it enhances their connection to the story and characters, making the overall experience more enjoyable and authentic.

Moreover, by featuring classical Arabic, Ubisoft not only pays homage to the language's historical significance but also opens the door for players around the world to appreciate and learn about Arabic culture. It's a step towards inclusivity and representation in the gaming industry, showcasing the diversity and richness of different cultures.

The Journey of Arabic Localization in Assassin's Creed Mirage

Uncover the meticulous process behind bringing classical Arabic to life in Assassin's Creed Mirage.

The inclusion of classical Arabic in Assassin's Creed Mirage was not an afterthought but a core focus from the beginning of the game's development. Ubisoft's localization manager, Mohammed Alemam, and art director, Jean-Luc Sala, worked closely together to ensure the language's authenticity and cultural relevance.

They collaborated with linguistic experts, cultural consultants, and historians to ensure accurate translations and representations. The team even had cultural experts present during voice recording sessions to maintain the highest level of authenticity.

While the linguistic and cultural aspects required meticulous attention, the availability and active usage of classical Arabic in academia, entertainment, and literature made the translation process relatively straightforward. This ensured that players could fully immerse themselves in the game's narrative and experience the world of 9th century Baghdad as accurately as possible.

The Impact of Cultural Accuracy in Assassin's Creed Mirage

Discover the significance of cultural accuracy in creating an authentic and engaging gaming experience.

Assassin's Creed Mirage not only focuses on linguistic accuracy but also strives for cultural authenticity. Ubisoft's commitment to cultural accuracy is evident in their collaboration with experts in Arabic culture, history, and art.

By working closely with experts such as Dr. Raphaël Weyland and art historian Glaire Anderson, the development team ensured that every aspect of the game, from the names of places and people to the visual representation of the city, was meticulously researched and portrayed.

This attention to detail not only enhances the player's immersion but also fosters a deeper appreciation for Arabic culture and history. It allows players to explore and learn about the thriving science, economy, and culture of 9th century Baghdad, creating a truly enriching gaming experience.

The Diverse Cast of Assassin's Creed Mirage

Learn about the diverse cast of characters and the importance of authentic representation in gaming.

Ubisoft's commitment to authenticity extends beyond language and culture to the diverse cast of characters in Assassin's Creed Mirage. The development team made a conscious effort to cast actors of Arabic heritage who could bring an authentic voice to the game.

For the English version, renowned Iranian-American actress Shohreh Aghdashloo lends her talent to the role of Roshan, Basim's mentor. Meanwhile, Lebanese-Canadian actor Lee Majdoub provides the English voice for the protagonist, Basim.

This diverse cast not only adds to the authenticity of the game but also allows players with an Arabic-speaking background to fully connect with the characters and their stories. It's a testament to the importance of representation in gaming and the power of diverse storytelling.

The Future of Arabic Localization in Gaming

Explore the potential impact of Assassin's Creed Mirage and the future of Arabic localization in the gaming industry.

Assassin's Creed Mirage sets a new benchmark for Arabic localization in gaming, paving the way for more inclusive and culturally diverse experiences. The positive reception and appreciation for the game's commitment to language and cultural accuracy are likely to inspire other developers to follow suit.

As the gaming industry continues to expand globally, the demand for localized experiences will only grow. Arabic localization has the potential to not only cater to Arabic-speaking players but also educate and engage players from different backgrounds, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation for Arabic culture.

With Assassin's Creed Mirage, Ubisoft has shown that embracing different languages and cultures can enhance the gaming experience and create a more inclusive industry. The future of Arabic localization in gaming looks promising, and we can't wait to see more games that celebrate the richness of Arabic language and culture.


Assassin's Creed Mirage sets a new standard for Arabic localization in gaming, showcasing the power of language and culture in creating immersive experiences. By fully embracing classical Arabic, Ubisoft has not only provided players with an authentic and engaging journey through 9th century Baghdad but also opened the door for a more inclusive and diverse gaming industry.

The meticulous localization process, the commitment to cultural accuracy, and the diverse cast of characters all contribute to the game's success in capturing the essence of Arabic language and culture. Assassin's Creed Mirage serves as a shining example of how games can bridge cultural gaps, educate players, and foster a deeper appreciation for the richness of different languages and cultures.

As the gaming industry continues to evolve, we can expect to see more games embracing Arabic localization and celebrating the diversity of languages and cultures around the world. The future of gaming is bright, and Assassin's Creed Mirage has played a significant role in paving the way for more inclusive and culturally diverse gaming experiences.


What makes Assassin's Creed Mirage unique in terms of localization?

Assassin's Creed Mirage stands out for being one of the few AAA games to feature fully voiced classical Arabic, capturing the language's historical significance and cultural relevance. The meticulous localization process, collaboration with experts, and commitment to authenticity make it a unique and immersive gaming experience.

Why is cultural accuracy important in gaming?

Cultural accuracy is crucial in gaming as it allows players to connect with the story, characters, and world on a deeper level. By accurately representing different cultures, games can foster inclusivity, educate players about diverse backgrounds, and create a more authentic and engaging experience.

What impact does diverse representation in Assassin's Creed Mirage have?

The diverse cast of characters in Assassin's Creed Mirage adds to the game's authenticity and allows players with an Arabic-speaking background to fully connect with the story. It showcases the importance of representation in gaming and the power of diverse storytelling to create more inclusive and relatable experiences.

What can we expect for the future of Arabic localization in gaming?

Assassin's Creed Mirage has set a new benchmark for Arabic localization in gaming, and it is likely to inspire other developers to follow suit. As the gaming industry continues to expand globally, the demand for localized experiences will grow, leading to more games that celebrate the richness of Arabic language and culture.

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